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Join wedding vendors like you for a night of networking and holiday cheer. 809 16th St.
$50, all materials provided. ​
Sacramento Vendor Community
We are a group of local Sacramento wedding vendors committed to supporting one another. In a field full of competition and gatekeeping, we want to create a community of wedding professionals who look out for each other. Here, you can ask for advice without feeling judged, put together photoshoots and content days, send and receive referrals, and vent to people who understand.
What it's all about
Slack Channel
Opt in to the dialogues that will help you and your business.
Reliable Referrals
Trust that you are sending clients to vendors you have met and respect.
Bi Annual Meetup
Network, vent, and make new friends with vendors in the area.
Freelancing Network
Work for one another during slower seasons.
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